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Ab 1. Februar 2011 (ursprünglich seit 14.12.2010) sind neue Regeln für das Verhalten bei Verkehrsunfällen gültig.
Hier die von Mitgliedern des Yahoo-Panamaforums und in der Presse veröffentlichten Details: 


IMPORTANT: Formulario Unico. 
Form you must carry in car for minor accidents and YOU MUST FILL IT OUT YOURSELVES.

As of yesterday the new law which requires us to have the form for reporting minor accidents in the car went into effect. Attached are the two sides of the form which you must fill out at the site of the accident. The police (Transito) will no longer fill out an accident report unless someone has been injured. Please take the precautions to print this form out and place in your car.

Those individuals involved in the accident should take pictures of the accident scene, move the respective cars involved in the accident within minutes of accident or they will be fined $50 for obstructing traffic.

Not having the vehicle insured will have a $100 fine.

Not having a copy of the Insurance Policy in the car will have a $50 fine and the car will be retained by the police.

There is talk, unverified, that the date has been postponed by several weeks, but best have the form in the vehicle and avoid an incident with the Transito.

Decreto Ejecutivo No. 958 de 10 de diciembre 2010, published Monday 13 Dec. 2010 in the Gaceta Oficial, and which is now a Law, and in effect as of 14 Dec. 2010.
http://www.gacetaof icial.gob. pa/pdfTemp/ 26678_A/30765. pdf

- A partir de mańana tienen que tener en su vehiculo el Formato Único y Definitivo de Transito.
As of tomorrow (14 Dec. 2010) the Formato Unico y Definitivo de Transito must be kept in the vehicle.

- Al momento de colisionar un vehiculo, debe tomar fotos y mover su vehiculo de la calle, siempre y cuando no haya heridos.

If there are no injuries when a vehicular accident occurs, one should take photos and move the car from the street.
-Los conductores llenaran un Formato Unico y Definitivo de Transito, indicando quien se hace responsable. Si no se ponen de acuerdo hay que llamar al transito para que el agente elabore el Parte, en base a las fotos y al Formato (Art. 6)

The conductors of the vehicles will fill out the Formato Unico y Definitivo de Transito, indicating who the responsible party is. If no agreement on this can be reached you must call the Transito so that the Transito Agent can fill out that part, using the photos taken and the Form (Art. 6).

-Si los conductores no mueven sus vehiculos, se les multara con $50.00 (art.7)
If the cars are not moved by the conductors they will be fined $50.00

(Art. 7).
-El Formato se debe enviar a la Cěa de Seguors para tramitar el Reclamo (art.8)
The completed form should be sent to the Insurance Company to file the claim. (Art. 8)

-Las personas naturales o juridicas sobre las que recaigan la responsabilidad podran solcitar el levantamiento del parte policivo dentro delos 8 dias siguientes al accidente. En estos casos se remitira el Parte al Juzgado de Transito ( art.9)
The individuals or entities who are responsible may request a Police report within 8 days following the accident. In these cases the Police report shall be sent to the Transit Court (Art. 9).

- Despues de elaborado el fomato la persona tiene 8 dias para impugnar el Formato (art.10)
After the Formato Unico is completed the person has 8 days to cancel the Form (Art. 10)

- Pero antes de impugnar el Formato las asegurados deberan evaluar primero el reclamo (art.11)
Before canceling the Formato Unico the Insurance Companies should first evaluate the claim (Art. 11).

- Si el automovil no tiene poliza se le multa con $100.00, si el conductor no lleva copia de la Poliza la multa es de $50.00 y se le retiene el vehiculo.

If the vehicle does not have an insurance policy there will be a $100 fine. If the driver dos not have a copy of the Policy in the vehicle there is a $50 fine, and the vehicle will be retained by the police.
Este decreto comienza a regir a partir de la promulgacion.


I did this translation this morning, and it should be fairly close. If there is a correction to be made please let me know. The important thing is we all be informed and have the forms in our vehicles and avoid problems. 
Thanks, Dr. Charly Garcia


Formato Unico y Definitivo.
Thu Dec 16, 2010 8:56 am (PST) 

My assistant went to ATT looking for this form but he was informed that this was not able yet but they expect to have it by Friday at this site:


Panamá América teilt mit, dass die Gültigkeit der Vorschrift bis zum 1.2.2011 verschoben worden ist:

Tránsito da marcha atrás en utilización del Formato Único

Por la falta de un periodo de docencia, la Autoridad de Tránsito aplazó hasta el
1 de febrero de 2011 la entrada en vigencia del Decreto Ejecutivo No. 958 de
2010, que autoriza a los implicados en un accidente de tránsito a levantar el
parte para deslindar responsabilidades. Este decreto reglamenta la Ley 21 de
2010, que dicta medidas sobre accidentes menores en las vías públicas.